NEW IB BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS Support your students to achieve top results in IB Business Management!


Teacher-only access and mark schemes!

Case study: Business Management Paper 1 May 2025 - Myt (PLC)

Get the best resources to save time & thrive in Paper 1!

FREE WORKSHOP: Business Management Paper 1 May 2025 Myt (PLC)

Case Study

What is the workshop about?

This workshop is specialized and dedicated to the Business Management Paper 1 May 2025 - Myt (PLC) case study

When, what is the cost, and where?

Wednesday, 26th February 2025, 12:00 – 14:00 GMT
The workshop is through Zoom


NEW! Teach easily the BMT Toolkit!
The only exclusive e-learning and online resources for the BMT Toolkit! Help your students learn, understand and apply the new Business Management Tools!

You need easy-to-use and up-to-date resources that will help your students achieve top results!

“I have been struggling to find valid and well-organised resources. I needed something simple but effective to use. I needed to be accessible by the students and I needed it as a planning tool and a basis for my lesson in class. I was working long hours on creating my own resources based on my previous experience. And then I had a vision that I wanted to support and other IB teachers… and this was the beginning of ibGenius.” Eva Stavrinaki, ibGenius co-founder and IB Business teacher ibGenius is an e-learning environment that improves the learning experience and makes life easier for IB students and teachers. ibGenius offers friendly and interactive online high-quality presentations, quizzes and other resources that cover IB Business Management syllabus and IB Economics.


We offer quizzes that include a variety of question styles in a user-friendly environment that engage students inside and outside the classroom.


We enhance learning and improve students’ performance by covering all areas of the syllabus with multiple levels of difficulty questions.

Save Time

We save time for both teachers and students with automated feedback, tracking individual and class progress and pre-organized resources.

Trusted by schools in 40 countries

(Countries are in alphabetical order)


Teachers said about ibGenius

Really useful to my students boosting both knowledge and confidence.
— Pete. UK
It is a good value for money. Students could move at their own pace. It relieved me from time and pressure in having to prepare so many resources.
— Elaine, Malta
it made an excellent addition to the range of paper 1 resources we make available to our students.
— David, Switzerland

ibGenius was an award finalist at the EdTech Week in London!
