Case study: Paper 1 May 2021 - Multi Marketing
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Case study: Paper 1 May 2021 - Multi Marketing
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Why to choose the ibGenius interactive e-course for Paper 1 preparation?
1. Ready-made lessons for remote or in class teaching
Teachers need have no choice but to be flexible these days as they need to prepare students for the IB exams. In schools that are still remote, teachers have to account for students’ individual situations and limitations at home. And in schools that have resumed in-person instruction, teachers have to be ready to switch the mode of instruction on a dime as positive or presumed positive cases of COVID-19 occur. The ibGenius Paper 1 e-course for May 2021 Multi Marketing case study is a well-planned and effective e-course that will prepare your students either your school is open or closed. The course includes online presentations, exam-style questions worksheets, auto-marked quizzes, Mock exams, and a separate section with mark schemes for teachers.
2. Interactive e-learning environment
The remote or blended teaching during the pandemic has resulted that students are getting more opportunities to work independently and at their own pace—and in the process, they are becoming better problem-solvers. The ibGenius Paper 1 e-course for May 2021 Multi Marketing case study offers the opportunity to students to deepen their commitment and independent learning for a better exam preparation. Either schools are open or closed students, ibGenius Paper 1 e-course offers everything students need for their exam preparation.
3. Grades’ evidence and tracking record in case a school follows the IB non-exam route.
In the case a country follows the IB non-exam route due to COVID-19 circumstances that do not allow exams to take place then the students’ final grade will be based on the IA (35%) and the predicted grade (65%). The ibGenius through the online quizzes that cover both Paper 1 May 2021 - Multi Marketing case study and all Units of the syllabus provide a valid track record of your students’ progress.
ibGenius is an easy to use e-learning environment trusted by 57 schools in 32 countries
(Countries are in alphabetical order)

and an award finalist at the EdTech Week in London 2019!

Teachers said about ibGenius
Pricing for Paper 1 interactive e-course
- Minimum price 70€ for less than 10 students
- Maximum price is 280€ for more than 40 students
- No fee for teachers for classes that have subscribed
- VAT if applicable is not included
- You get all resources and answers
- VAT if applicable is not included

Business Management Paper 1 May 2021
Case Study: Multi Marketing